xmlns:fb='http://ogp.me/ns/fb#' The Art of $ales 101: Paint The Picture

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Paint The Picture

In sales, it is easy to get all the specs down and have the general pitch that can lure the average consumer in. 

***Unfortunately, with the direction our market has gone we have to make our product seem like its irresistible. 

How do you Achieve this?

Paint them a picture in their current scenario (depending on the product/service being sold) and make it seem like their life just couldn't work with out your product. 

For Example, are you tired of calling me every time you need me to fix or clean up your server? Aren't you tired of the endless cost seeding from it? 
YES!!! I know you are I hear it in your voice when you call me! Lets change all that! Welcome to the World of the Cloud. Where you can simply put the stress onto someone else. Worried its not safe? Most cloud offerings have a SAS 70 Type 2 Audit. Its time to manage your cost, your stress and your efficiency. Now imagine having meetings, working on projects, sending emails with the relief of knowing that you will not have to slave over a server if it breaks down. Lets get you started! This can easily be done with moving your services to the cloud.  Wondering how much it costs? A fraction of what you're paying now! 

This is just an example of me painting a picture for a client that you sense is having issues with having a server in house. 

What my method is:

  • Answer the typical questions that linger
  • Point out the Value/Benefits
  • Relieve them of their current Stress
  • Point them in the right direction
  • Seg-way into your product offering
Lets face it, what a lot of sales people tend to fail at remembering is people will pay a lot to relieve stress. Have you seen the cost of Prozac lately? Unreal! Pocket Books here we come! So by presenting a client in some form or fashion a way to relieve an ounce or ton of that stress is a consistent pain point that has be considered and exploited. 

Go paint that picture and close the sale! 

Anthony F.
-The Young Insider- 

Revisioned by: Frankie Guiliano

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