xmlns:fb='http://ogp.me/ns/fb#' The Art of $ales 101: 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

Lasting Impression

As we journey from business to business, we may come to the realization that we are probably not the First nor Last person to walk through those doors to pitch this client.

So what makes me different?

How will I close this sale?

  • Personality, 
  • Price, 
  • Relationship, 
  • Customer Service and Overall a…

Lasting Impression

This is critical in our increasing competitive market.

As businesses continue to suffer, they will soon becoming after your clients or soon your prospects.
These businesses(prospects/clients) will be faced with tough decisions, unless you simply make it easy for them.

Sales Guy #1

They are pitched by your “average guy” who elaborates on several options on how to better their business production
    • Presents relatively valuable information
Sales Guy #2

Comes in very lively and full of personality. Takes the time to learn about your business and comes off very genuine
  • also Presents valuable information
Naturally you will find yourself leaning towards the one who seemed Genuine and Full of Personality.

This all seems pretty basic from an outside point of view, but many of us fear inserting our personalities during a meeting/proposal because we fear it comes off unprofessional or simply makes us look non-creditable.

That is simply not the case as long as you don’t present your as those things. Adding personality simply gives the prospect something/someone to relate and it is the first step to building a business relationship.

A great example of someone adding personality into their daily routine is:

Emeril Lagasse

He took your everyday cooking show into a 30 minute fun-filled entertainment bonanza.

He has been able to add entertainment to his show and still be known for his amazing culinary skills. He simply added some flare and personality.

He has simply separated himself from the Pack.

This is what has to be done with current Sales Departments and Businesses or else that they will find themselves fighting to stay in business.

Take a look at what you currently do and see if you can “professionally” add your personality or simply just a Personal Touch.

Good Luck!

Anthony F.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Finding the Right Seasoning

With every client comes:
  •  A new challenge
  • A new opportunity 
  • A new order of business.

The biggest thing you must realize is that your script isn't always going to work. Therefore you got to find:

The Right Seasoning

For the most part, the typical Salt and Pepper will work for the average client/prospect. But everyone knows, there are those toughies that will give you some headaches, but with a little bit of candor, it will pay off in the long run. Well unfortunately, in these situations you may need some cayenne pepper and some sugar to simmer things down a bit or spice things up a bit. Depending on your order of business or for this matter flavor. 

Before I confuse everyone, what I'm getting at is with every client/prospect has to be handled with a certain unique twist. 


We all have different personalities and have a different perspective on different opportunities aka your services.

So how we find a way to tailor that unique perspective? 

Good ole Questions! Ask the right questions that will gear towards your offerings and you will soon see that no matter where your client/prospect turns they will have it answered by you with your solution/service.

Now its time to CLOSE!!! 

P.S. Don't be afraid to let them know that your services might not be for them, they always love that! :) 

More enjoyable ramble!

-Anthony F.-

Revisioned by: Frankie Guiliano

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Follow-up

Boy do we all love Follow-ups.

We immediately think:
 Are they going to answer the phone?
Will they push me to their Voice mail?
Will the receptionist tell me "He's in a meeting"
Will he attempt to low ball me on the price?

Well its time to kick all that nonsense to the curb!

It's time to think about it as a time for you and your company to grow. Remember those calls you made a few months back where they said they weren't interested but still told you about their pains and aches. 

Hope you took notes, because well now its time to call those guys back and see if things have improved and how you can help. In Sales, Your job is never over. There is always time to up-sale, check in/follow-up and make em feel like a million bucks so they can pay you a million bucks.

$et aside a day to make these calls!! 


  • Customers will feel like you listened
  • 9/10 times you will remind them that nothing has been solved
  • 9/10 times they will realize they really need your services
Time to keep the money flowing into those pockets which is really what we all want. It just requires a little bit additional work that no one is really fond of. Paying attention to the details can really be the difference in making that extra Disney money.

Hope you enjoyed my ramble!

Anthony F.

Revisioned by: Frankie Guiliano

Friday, August 20, 2010

Building Relationships

We all want to be loved and appreciated!

Well guess what?

***It's time to make our customers and clients feel that love and appreciation.

Most of us call with one intention, reach for their pocket books. 

Unfortunately, that sends up alarms for every consumer. 

Referring back to one of my previous posts, I stated to build that value. Well along with building that value you must build a:


When building up the foundation of a solid relationship, the possibilities are endless. Why? 

  1. Customer feels you have their best interest in mind
  2. Certain level of security/reassurance
  3. Ability to bring down the front or wall that is up
  4. Ability to establish a common ground and build a stronger overall business venture/partnership
  5. Comfort to reach out to for additional business or advice in general
Establishing a strong relationship can really determine the extent to which the person does business. I know personally it makes me feel at ease when I can trust and relate to the sales person.

i.e. Got a sales call today from the Local Newspaper. The woman read from the script and literally didn't miss a bet. I cut her off and asked a few questions and failed to deliver on several attempts to answer my pain points. On top of that, I dropped subtle hints about myself and she didn't care to at least acknowledge or elaborate on those topics.
 A sales call that can deviate a little off the business topic usually makes the person feel like: "Damn, they didn't call just for my money." When in actuality you did. haha 
So build the Value, Build the relationship and you will soon see your clientèle grow and your pocket books grow!

Anthony F.
-The Young Insider-

Revisioned by: Frankie Guiliano

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Paint The Picture

In sales, it is easy to get all the specs down and have the general pitch that can lure the average consumer in. 

***Unfortunately, with the direction our market has gone we have to make our product seem like its irresistible. 

How do you Achieve this?

Paint them a picture in their current scenario (depending on the product/service being sold) and make it seem like their life just couldn't work with out your product. 

For Example, are you tired of calling me every time you need me to fix or clean up your server? Aren't you tired of the endless cost seeding from it? 
YES!!! I know you are I hear it in your voice when you call me! Lets change all that! Welcome to the World of the Cloud. Where you can simply put the stress onto someone else. Worried its not safe? Most cloud offerings have a SAS 70 Type 2 Audit. Its time to manage your cost, your stress and your efficiency. Now imagine having meetings, working on projects, sending emails with the relief of knowing that you will not have to slave over a server if it breaks down. Lets get you started! This can easily be done with moving your services to the cloud.  Wondering how much it costs? A fraction of what you're paying now! 

This is just an example of me painting a picture for a client that you sense is having issues with having a server in house. 

What my method is:

  • Answer the typical questions that linger
  • Point out the Value/Benefits
  • Relieve them of their current Stress
  • Point them in the right direction
  • Seg-way into your product offering
Lets face it, what a lot of sales people tend to fail at remembering is people will pay a lot to relieve stress. Have you seen the cost of Prozac lately? Unreal! Pocket Books here we come! So by presenting a client in some form or fashion a way to relieve an ounce or ton of that stress is a consistent pain point that has be considered and exploited. 

Go paint that picture and close the sale! 

Anthony F.
-The Young Insider- 

Revisioned by: Frankie Guiliano

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Where the Fun Begins

The Never Ending Question.....

"What is the Best Sales Pitch?"

Well from someone that has studied business and sales for many years, there is no right way.

**The best way to make a sale is to make it UNIQUE in the sense where its FRESH and INFORMATIVE.

Most of us are to concerned that we messed up on our script or have stumbled over a word or 2. The customer doesn't care!

They just want the information pitched to them to scream VALUE or BUY ME!!! When you watch those infomercials in the middle of the night with one eye open, half of you are blown away because it screams..


Create that value with your product!!


Find their pain points!!!

Step 1: Initially introducing yourself (not making it all about business at first glance) and then streamline into your sales pitch.

Step 2: Ask an open ended question.. smell the bait.. and then hook the fish. Listen to their response and stack your product with all its VALUE.

Step 3: Still finding a ton of rebuttals after all that, Bring in the Greed Factor.

i.e. By the way, its funny you say that because we have seen some amazing success/ everyones loving it/ your neighbors down the road bought it...

Guess what?! If your uncles, sisters, daughters, neighbors, brother is doing it/ buying it... they want it.

As consumers, we want to feel a certain level of security and comfort on what we are buying. So essentially you have to make your product appear as though its the latest smart phone. Everyones lining up for it, its selling like hot cakes.

So that no, will eventually turn into a yes. A little bit of that reverse psychology.

Step 4: If all else fails, from the clients pain points stated earlier(derived from the open ended questions) suggest or simply TELL the client what he needs to fix his situation and how you can assist.

At the end of the day, your services will eventually become appealing or not.

If not, leaving on a good note with an immense amount of sincerity will grant you and your company a potential future opportunity with one of their business partners or friends.

Word of mouth <- You can never put a price to that!

A great philosophy to keep in mind while making sales calls:

A Sale Is made on Every Call, Either you sold the client on your product or they sold you on why they can't buy the product.
-Boiler Room, Ben Affleck-

Anthony F.